I'm sure you've seen them before, they're everywhere these days. Individuals who think of themselves as more creative, independent, witty, and cooler than you because they refuse to go along with what's popular. You'll commonly find them at coffee shops, libraries, and anywhere in Wash Park. The music they listen to is always better than what you got on, their taste in literature is beyond what you'd consider interesting, the bikes they ride have one gear, and they take pride in making you think they don't care what they're wearing.
My personal opinion is that being a hipster is just another fad and is becoming part of pop culture to the point where being a hipster can no longer be seen as cool. Too many kids dub themselves as a "hipster" to be a so called individual when in actuality they are just conforming to another trend. I've seen adults follow suit too and it's getting ridiculous because you'd think as adults they would have some kind of self identity by now.
I've always hated labels because they generalize a group of people so that everyone has a common conception of them. I have to admit, there are things I like that can be considered hipster but I'm not going to change my life so that everything follows what it means to be a hipster. I think that personalities are too complex to have labels and I think that to be truly an individual is to embrace who you really are.
While the girl in the photo may actually like how she looks; it's really quite terrible. While you should embrace who you are, you should also have some self respect to present yourself as a value to society. This girl was actually quite pretty and it was immensely down played by her hipster fashion sense. I'm sure there are a lot of people who would disagree with a lot of what I'm saying, but being an individual is being able to speak your mind.
Photo was taken with my new Canon 35mm f/1.4 lens acquired with the departure of my 7D (you will be missed).