My buddy Alex recently gave me a Canon EOS 630, which is a film camera that was in production back between the years of 1989 through 1993. It was in great condition and since I'm able to use the lenses I own for my digital cameras on it, I was pretty excited to try it out.
One of the first things that stood out to me was the small size despite being a full frame camera. I'm so used to the heavier magnesium bodies of my 5D and 7D. There is also only a single auto focus point, which wasn't a problem to get used to. Manual mode is available on the camera however it's cumbersome to use so I found myself using aperture priority the whole time.
But the biggest difference compare to digital is that when shooting with film I found myself being a lot more careful with each photo. I'd make sure my composition was good, there were no distracting elements in the frame, my aperture was set correctly, etc. With digital there isn't any consequence of shooting as much as you want, with the exception of the time spent deleting the photos that suck. So at times there isn't as much care taken into each photo.
My evaluation of the film camera might seem funny to some who have had more experience with them in their life time, but I really had no interest in photography before about a year ago so the only film camera I ever used before were those disposable plastic ones and a cheap Olympus I used once on vacation. I don't think I will use the film camera much because I think there are a lot of limitations to it, but it was a nice tool to remind me to slow down and think more; instead of mindlessly shooting hoping something will be good.
Photos shown are untouched original scans of the developed matted prints which included the white outer border. Lens used was a Canon 50mm f/1.4. I don't remember what kind of film I used but it was expired, haha!
Photos shown are untouched original scans of the developed matted prints which included the white outer border. Lens used was a Canon 50mm f/1.4. I don't remember what kind of film I used but it was expired, haha!