When I was ten years old I saw the movie Pulp Fiction in the movie theater. Not the best movie for a ten year old to see and at the time not a movie I liked. I'm walking through Target today passing some DVDs and it just stands out to me for some odd reason and I buy it.
I just finished watching it and it is a totally different movie from the way I remember it. I like it a whole lot more than I did at ten years old. I now find it humorous, original, and thought provoking. In the last chapter of the movie Tarantino revisits a scene with Jules and Vincent not shown earlier in the movie. By some miracle they're untouched after being shot at multiples times while caught off guard. Jules (Samuel L. Jackson's character) describes it as "divine intervention" and starts viewing the world differently.
Earlier today I think I may have had some divine intervention take place. I went on a long bike ride and ventured further than I've ever gone down a particular path that runs along highway 470. After riding for about three hours I start to feel my thighs tightening up, so I start to ride slower but when I reach parts of the trail that go uphill the feeling comes back. I soon get to the point where I have to stop and that's when the real pain began.
Once I stood and had my legs straight both my quadriceps immediately tightened in an excruciating pain. It felt like my muscles were being crushed and they were hard as rock to the touch. I couldn't even bend my legs so I just stood there waiting for it to pass. As I stood there I turned to the highway and noticed a black car that stood out to me as it passed by, no big deal.
The pain finally goes away and I can bend my legs again so I start to ride, much slower and careful this time. Soon I can hear sirens up ahead but I don't know why. I get closer and I see a fire truck, two police and an ambulance. I expect a car accident but I see no car...until I get closer. The same black car I saw earlier had driven off the highway and crossed the trail and landed into some bushes.
After hearing about Samuel L. Jackson speak of divine intervention it had me thinking. Had I not had to stop riding earlier, I wonder if I would have been closer to the part of the path the car ran into? It's unlikely but it just has me thinking. The car by the way looked just like my very first car, which was a black 1994 Honda Civic EX coupe. What year did the movie Pulp Fiction come out?