Kings with Queens


To show you how much of a dork I am, in high school I was part of a chess club that met after school that was held by my Trigonometry teacher. There weren't that many of us who attended but I liked it because it was the only place I could go to play it since all of my other friends never cared for it.

Out of all the pieces my favorite was the Queen. She was the most useful and she would be the one I'd always want to protect and think of first. Even if I didn't have much else, as long as I had my Queen I'd feel in control and if I ended up losing her I'd feel like there was no way of winning. It is always a good idea to keep your Queen for as long as you can, but sometimes you have to let her go if it is for the better good.

This photo was taken using my newly acquired Canon 580EX II flash with a homemade snoot. While I love my new flash, it does come with a price and therefore I will be selling the Canon 70-200mm f/4 lens; it will be missed.

Still Running


Woohoo, another photo of my car! I hardly take pictures of my car despite how much I love it, it's just one of those things that's not always easy to do. Luckily I was able to get some gear help from my buddy Alex and had used two off camera flash units to light this. The more experience I get with flash, the more I want one. The results almost make you think I used HDR processing, but I didn't.

Photo was taken near Bear Creek, Lakewood, CO. I know about this area because there's a trail that wraps around this that I used to ride and run when I lived in Lakewood that was just seconds from my door step. I've started riding and running a lot more lately. In the past two weeks I've lost 3 lbs!

Random Thought #162


I think bubble baths as a means to get yourself clean is a terrible idea because you're just sitting in your own dirtiness. I think the only people who enjoy them are kids, women...and the guy watching the woman. ^_^

This photo was taken using an extension tube made from a teleconverter which was borrowed from Alex, a fellow photographer. Text was added to experiment with another commercial type photo.

Smoke Ninjutsu


So, I think I know what happened to those smoke bombs I'd been missing...just messing, this is actually not a joking matter. Unfortunately this is the result of a fire that broke out this morning on Fourmile Canyon Road in Boulder and has grown to 3,000 acres today. Many homes have been evacuated and around 100 firefighters have been involved in the effort to put it to a stop.

Photo was taken from Superior Point, Superior, CO.