Ninja Trap


I hope you all remember the Ninja Rule #86 posted previously. While this looks totally legit this guy is actually on the hunt for ninjas. The elusive nature of the ninja leads skeptics to believe they no longer exist, but ninjas are everywhere! They like hugs like anyone else but this attempt at finding one might have worked better if a big booty girl with some egg rolls were holding the sign.

Photo was taken at the Dragon Boat Festival, Sloans Lake, Denver, CO. A few of the upcoming posts will feature photos taken at this event, enjoy!

Life of the Party


Vodka is one of those great liquors that doesn't really taste like anything and therefore makes it good for mixing into just about anything. This is dangerous however as I have learned because you can make some really tasty drinks that go down really easily, so moderation is key. My favorite has to be Ketel One Vodka as it is the most bearable if you don't have anything to mix it with and it is also the best I usually can afford.

This photo was appropriately taken on my toilet. No editing was done with the exception of sharpening and my watermark. This photo was taken with my newly acquired Canon 24-105 f/4 L lens. A lens I've previously borrowed to take the cheetah photo from an earlier post. Sadly the Tokina 11-16 f/2.8 and Sigma 18-50 f/2.8 lenses were sold but I'm looking forward to taking even better quality photos with the new Canon that I hope you all will enjoy. But I think the results so far speak for themselves.

PS: To those of you who know me, yes Jagermeister would have been a more appropriate liquor to post about but unfortunately I didn't have a bottle on hand plus the Jager bottle isn't very photogenic, agree?

Ninja Rule #11


"Shadows are your best friend and when night falls all your friends are there to play"

It is interesting how the feline species share a lot of great ninja traits as can be seen from an earlier post. The lion is another example, being nocturnal they are busy hunting at night and sleeping during the day. Taking advantage of your target's vulnerable state while also disguising in darkness during the night makes it the perfect time to strike.

Photo was taken in front of the U.S. Capital, Washington DC and modified in CS3.

Happy 4th of July!


This photo was taken at the July 4th eve celebration at the Denver City and County building with a performance from the Colorado Symphony Orchestra.

For the Love of Movies


My first job I ever had was at Blockbuster and one thing I liked the most about working there were the free rentals every week. As far back as I can remember I've always loved watching movies, especially in the theater where you can get the full effect with the large screen, rich sound and smell of popcorn. I enjoy the way movies can engage you into going along the footsteps of someone else and you can forget about your own life for a while and even perhaps learn something from it.

One of my favorite genres is action/thriller movies and this photo is kind of my own tribute to that. I like the suspense they bring whether it be trying to stop the bad guys, seek revenge or try to solve who the killer is, it keeps me interested in seeing how it will all unfold in the end. But honestly I like the genre because deep down every guy wants to be the bad ass who saves the girl.