On another part of the week my sister, her husband and myself went on a two-day trip to Manila. We decided to save on travel costs and rode the local public transit bus that took us there. We ended up staying at the Hyatt Hotel which was first class and I was very impressed at the view of the ocean from outside our bedroom window. We took a stroll along the boardwalk along Roxas Blvd and caught a shuttle to the Mall of Asia. We ate at a Filipino buffet restaurant, visited numerous stores, and then caught a 3D IMAX screening of Tron, which was very cool. When we arrived back at the hotel we visited the music bar which was very hip and had a really cool bartender that gave us tours through their private club rooms and even hooked us up with free shots of Patron! The next morning we enjoyed a breakfast buffet at the hotel and lounged out at the pool, it was very relaxing.
Tomorrow morning I'll be leaving for the Philippines! I'll be there for three weeks to visit family, have a great time, get a few pictures and eat tons of food! Because it's very important that I capture the great moments on this trip and hopefully update my blog while I am there, I ordered this sweet bag you see here. It's a Crumpler Karachi Outpost that can hold all my photo gear and my laptop while still being no bigger than a normal size backpack, I love it.
So yeah, I wasn't able to update my blog in a timely manner this past weekend because the internet decided to take a dump on Sunday. I'm only able to post today thanks to my MacBook Pro that I love so much, because apparently today it will connect to the internet but my PC won't. My PC has done me some good over the years but it has caused me a lot of issues as well, more so lately. However when it comes to my Mac, I've had zero issues since I've had it. People like to think Mac users are snobs but people shouldn't hate on something that works and does its job the way it is supposed to.
I appreciate the style of well done graffiti art, there's something about the freedom and attitude of it that I like.
"Always formulate an exit strategy"
"Make discipline and sacrifice elements of your everyday life."
Woohoo, another photo of my car! I hardly take pictures of my car despite how much I love it, it's just one of those things that's not always easy to do. Luckily I was able to get some gear help from my buddy Alex and had used two off camera flash units to light this. The more experience I get with flash, the more I want one. The results almost make you think I used HDR processing, but I didn't.
I think bubble baths as a means to get yourself clean is a terrible idea because you're just sitting in your own dirtiness. I think the only people who enjoy them are kids, women...and the guy watching the woman. ^_^
I think most people would agree with me when I say working sucks! Yeah there are some people who are all like "oh, I love my job, blah blah blah". Whatever!! You know dang well you'd rather be doing something else, I could probably come up with a list of 20 different things I'd rather do in a heart beat. But the problem is we all have bills, well at least the ones not mooching off of someone else. So we all get jobs, hopefully ones we all can at least tolerate most of the time and get paid decently in the process. I'm actually grateful for my job and where I am in my career, but it's always nice to constantly dream of improving your life and think that where you are now is not where you will be in the future; hopefully you'll be somewhere better.
I've always had an interest in music since I was young. Growing up with older siblings, during the 80's I was exposed to all sorts of music ranging anywhere from Madonna, to Def Leppard, to Depeche Mode. It was all great but once they all moved out and I was able to get my own music I started to discover things for myself. I started out buying singles because I was broke and eventually moved on to buying albums. My brother later introduced me to other ways of getting music, but that's a whole other topic.
I hadn't seen my niece Ava in a while so I thought it would be a good idea to babysit her for a while. With my parents gone to the Philippines there aren't many relatives on our side of the family that she gets to see. She was very shy at first but she warmed up and we had a lot of fun together. Watching her also put things into new perspective and reminded me of what's really important in life. I'm glad my brother decided to have her and I hope one day to have a kid as well.
Alright so here is a total spare of the moment post. It's seriously getting challenging finding new things to post every week. It took me no more than an hour to set up, shoot and process this. Sure I have tons of pictures that are old that I could post but that would be lame. Posting a photo of my watch isn't that far from lame but I've had this watch for 10 years come this December. It was a Christmas gift from my mother and it means a lot to me. Thanks mom, it still works great!